Dosen Departemen Teknik Arsitektur dan Perencanaan Universitas Gadjah Mada dari KBK Teknologi, Dr. Ir. Arif Kusumawanto, M.T., IPU., mempublikasikan karya ilmiahnya yang berjudul “Simulation Model of Green Open Space on Microclimate Performance in Tropical Coastal Area”. Karya penelitian yang terindeks Scopus ini bertujuan untuk mensimulasikan skenario ruang terbuka hijau untuk mengurangi pemanasan dalam kinerja iklim mikro. Topik ini mengangkat isu tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan, yaitu kota dan permukiman yang berkelanjutan (SDG 11).
Author: Agus Hariyadi, Esti Setyaning Jati, Nabila Afif, Alya Farah Taufiqoh
Sliding Sudare has a big potential to be developed considered its high effectiveness in minimizing building energy consumption while still maintaining its visibility quality. Meanwhile, its original blinds that is made of bamboo cannot withstand extreme weather and have a short lifespan. Therefore, this research is to investigate the effectiveness of the other material alternatives namely stainless steel, plastic, and natural fiber. A scaled model is used for prototyping the materials in the shape of bicycle spokes, PLA+ (3D printer filament), and bamboo slats as the blinds. These everyday objects were tested in terms of their physical characteristic and were measured by four parameters (security requirement, weather resistance, construction process, and cost-effectiveness). From the research, it was concluded that bicycle spokes has the highest overall performance with the highest advantages in weather resistance requirement, cost-effectiveness, and construction; whilst PLA+ and bamboo slats have the least overall performance though both have high advantage in terms of security requirement.
Author: Diananta Pramitasari, Ulfaizah Sahril, Ahmad Sarwadi
The environmental amenities of areas with a high elderly population need to be adjusted to support their lives and ensure they experience a healthy aging process. Therefore, this research examines the role of residential are as in providing support to the daily activities of the elderly for their optimal and everyday use of available outdoor seating facilities. Data were obtained from 25 outdoor seating facilities in a densely populated environment in Yogyakarta City center through observations, interviews, and person-centered mapping of the elderly as respondents. The results showed that the elderly utilize outdoor seating for social, recreation, rest, shelter, and household activities. Therefore, it is still necessary to improve the physical quality of seating in these facilities to ensure that they are maximally utilized by the elderly. The important aspect in establishing these criteria are as follows: (1) dimensions, (2) protection, (3) material, (4) Form, and (5) comfort.
Penulis: Eugenius Pradipto, Syam Rachma Marcillia
Bangunan tradisional di Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai ragam dan ekspresi, dengan satu benang merah yaitu setiap bangunan memiliki kepercayaan yang sama terhadap dunia besar dan dunia kecil. Kepercayaan tersebut terwujud pada bangunan sebagai kepala (atas), badan (tengah) dan kaki (bawah) bangunan. Dunia dalam tata hubungan ruang, ruang tengah bangunan sebagai titik pusat, titik keseimbangan antara ruang atas dan ruang bawah serta bagian di sekitarnya yang dekotomis. Paper ini menjabarkan kearifan lokal yang terwujud pada bangunan sebagai bentuk ekspresi perwujudan kepercayaan masyarakat dalam menanggapi situasi maupun kondisi lingkungan alam dan iklim setempat. Metode analisis konten dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis iklim tropis yang berbeda di daerah Indonesia bagian Barat dengan Timur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh jenis iklim tropis lembab di daaerah Indonesia bagian Barat dan Timur pada bangunan dibedakan atas ekspresi bentuk atap, dinding serta lantai. Bangunan di daerah Indonesia bagian Barat dipengaruhi oleh iklim tropis lembab dengan curah hujan yang lebih banyak serta kelembaban yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daerah Indonesia bagian Timur.